With What Shall I Wash It?

With What Shall I Wash It?

María Trenor
Day break in the red-light district of a Spanish town. Someone who earns their living in these parts makes their way home, sits down in front of the mirror and begins to remove their make-up. As they do so, they reflect on the events of the night to the strains of a song from the Middle Ages entitled “¿Con qué la lavaré?”, a lament about single women which was once sung in four-part harmony. A celluloid tribute to homosexual artistes of the late 1970s, just after Franco’s dictatorship.
Born in Valencia in 1970, she studied fine art at San Carlos University in Valencia and film animation at Edinburgh Art College. She worked for several years as head of the graphic department of a post-production company in Spain and subsequently began working as an illustrator and freelance graphic artist on children’s television programmes.

Best Short Film 35mm – Mostra Cine del Mediterráneo Valencia (Spain)
Teddy Award – Berlinale 2004 (Germany)
Best Animated Short – Premios Tirant 2004  (Spain)
Best Animated Short – IMACINE (Spain)
Best Animated Short – Semana de Cine de Medina del Campo 2004 (Spain)
Best Animated Short – XII Encuentro Internacional de Cine de Maspalomas (Spain)
Second Price – VIII Primavera Cinematográfica de Lorca Semana de Cine Español (Spain)

  • Original title ¿Con qué la lavaré?
  • Director María Trenor
  • Duration 10
  • Production year 2003
  • Aspect 16:9
  • Format Digital
  • Category Short Film
  • Subcategory Animation
  • Genre Drama, Romance
  • Nationality Spain
  • Producer Tacatuca
  • Dialogue language Spanish