The Mountain

The Mountain

Diego Enrique Osorno
Seas of the Atlantic Ocean crossed by a mountain from Chiapas. Through unknown horizons seven indigenous Mayan sail carrying a story of resistance. With this journey in the midst of the pandemic, the 4-2-1 Squad of the EZLN seeks to plant a seed in new lands.
Diego Enrique Osorno was born in Monterrey, Mexico in 1980. He is a reporter and writer who has taken his chronicle practice to the cinematographic world. His books include El cártel de Sinaloa (Grijalbo), Nosotros somos los culpables (Grijalbo) Slim (Debate), Un vaquero cruza la frontera en silencio (Literatura Mondadori), and La guerra de los zetas (Grijalbo), while as a director he has made El alcalde (Bambú) La muñeca tetona (Bengala), El valiente ve la muerte sólo una vez (Detective), Vaquero del Mediodía (Detective), the docuseries 1994 (Netflix) and the docuseries El Show (Vix). His most recent book is Mundo enfermo (Debate) and his film La montaña (2023), premiered at the International Film Festival of Rotterdam. Among other awards, he has received Mexico's National Journalism Award, the Ariel Award from the Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas, the Literary Arts Award from the UANL and a special recognition from the World Justice Project for his work as Truth Commissioner of Oaxaca in the investigation of torture, disappearances and executions committed by authorities. He has also created series for HBO and Netflix, co-written screenplays for films such as La libertad del Diablo (Everardo González) and Ruido (Natalia Beristain) and participated as Executive Producer of A plena luz (Alberto Arnaut), El norte sobre el vacío (Alejandra Márquez Abella) and Las Letras (Pablo Chavarría). He has been a Rockefeller Foundation, Pulitzer Center and Sundance Institute Fellow. His books and films have been translated and exhibited in a dozen languages and more than 50 countries. He is a founding partner of the production companies Bengala and Detective. He lives in northern Mexico, where he works independently.

International Film Festival Rotterdam 2023

  • Original title La montaña
  • Director Diego Enrique Osorno
  • Duration 94
  • Production year 2023
  • Aspect 16:9
  • Format 4K
  • Category Feature Film
  • Subcategory Documentary
  • Genre Documentary film
  • Nationality Mexico
  • Producer Detective, Exile Content and Expansión films
  • Dialogue language Spanish, German
  • Subtitle language English, French