The Hemp Rope

The Hemp Rope

Rafael Loayza Sánchez
Jacinto, a deer hunter and farmer, faces a terrible pain for the loss of an ill son, as a result of the unfulfilled political promises that are caused by the lack of a health post in his region. One day of hunting, in the middle of a new election season, Jacinto meet is face to face with the person responsible for his suffering
Director, Screenwriter Born in Bogotá D.C. Colombia in 1978. He attended Film and Televisión School from the National University of Colombia and went on to attend the Escuela Superior de Cine y Audiovisuales de Cataluña –ESCAC- in Barcelona (Spain), to study Film Directing. Later on, he gets a Master Degree in Script Writing thanks to a scholarship from the National University of Colombia. Writter and director of the short films ¿Por qué me llevas al hospital en canoa?, Juancho el pajarero and El cáñamo; these last two were awarded by the Colombian Film Development Fund. His first feature film project El Chupacobres (in development) won the Script Writing Competition from Colombian Film Development Fund (2010) and wins the 4th Pitch “Opera de Leyva” at Villa de Leyva International Film Festival (Colombia, 2010). It also gets selected to attend The First Iberoamerican Script Writers Meeting (México, 2011) and to attend the Second Script Writting Lab Cinefilia (Colombia, 2014); both of them with the Ibermedia Program support. He is also co-writter and cinematographer of the documentary film El confidente, awarded by the Colombian Film Development Fund 2014 and the Tribeca Film Institute Latinoamerican fund 2015.

Ganador Fondo Cinematográfico Proimagenes Colombia Realización de Cortometrajes 2014

Mejor Cortometraje – Festival de Cine Independiente de Bogotá INDIEBO 2016

  • Original title El cáñamo
  • Director Rafael Loayza Sánchez
  • Duration 12
  • Production year 2016
  • Theme Social Issues
  • Category Short Film
  • Subcategory Fiction
  • Genre Drama
  • Nationality Colombia
  • Producer Pavoreal Colectivo Audiovisual
  • Dialogue language Spanish
  • Subtitle language English
  • Intérpretes Roamir Pineda, Álvaro Castellanos, Engliberto Fuentes, Angélica Barajas