Poor Sailor

Poor Sailor

Victor Carrey
Jonás and Raquel live in the field. Their life is happy and in harmony with the envoronment. One day, Néstor, Jonás's brother, visits them. He's captain in a fishing boat that has docked in a near village. Néstor told her brother the wonderful life in the sea, all money that he has won and the adventures that he has lived. Jonas decides go with him although Raquel doesn't agree. Comic book adaptation "Poor Sailor " by Sammy Harkham.

Special Mention – Concurso El Corto del Año (Spain)

  • Original title Poor Sailor
  • Director Victor Carrey
  • Duration 14
  • Production year 2014
  • Aspect 16:9 letterbox
  • Category Short Film
  • Subcategory Fiction
  • Genre Drama
  • Nationality Spain
  • Producer ESCAC Films
  • Dialogue language Spanish
  • Subtitle language English
  • Intérpretes Manuel Manquiña, Joaquim Revenga, Tatín Revenga