María Salgado Gispert
Recently widowed a few months earlier, Ixtab reappears in society sooner than would be advisable
in such circumstances, inviting all her “friends” to a party.
María Salgado has a degree in audiovisual communication inComplutense Madrid University.She has completed Dramatic Art Studies in Jun Carlos Corazza school.From 1993 to 2006 she works as producer and director in Telemadridtaking part in different programs: pieces of reports with variabletimespans (Treinta Minutos, El Semanal, De 7 en Siete, Panorama deActualidad...), cultural programs, cinema programs, ..From 1998 she acts as director of the childish program “Cyberclub”,created by Iñaki Martikorena, which was awarded with many pricesand was selected to participate within the Emmy Finals.From 2006 she makes documentaries for the public Spanish TelevisionTv2 ”Documentos TV”From 2008 she acts as free lance director and producer and developsher work within fiction series, documentaries, music video andentertainment programs.She is the director and scriptwriter of the short film “ A Violeta” whichhas been awarded with many prices: SGAE Price best script withinHuesca Film festival. Best script L’ Alfás del Pí film Festival. Judgeprice, Vèndomé film Festival, Best short film in Astorga Film Festival,Zaragoza film Festival, L’Alternativa de Barcelona film Festival, Gironafilm Festival, Fuentes de Ebro film Festival, La Boca del lobo filmFestival, Best direction, Palencia film Festival. Best femaleperformance Badajoz film Festival, L’Alfàs del Pí, etc.The short film has also participated in many International Festivals,namely Locarno, Uppsala, Bogotá, Londres or Mar de Plata.From 2012, she directs and produces promotional videos for LaCompañía Nacional de Danza, INAEM and from 2014 as well for losTeatros del Canal, Víctor Ullate Ballet, Ballet Nacional de España andchoreographers and emerging companies as Dimo Kirilov, PeterAgardi o Sara Calero.In 2013 she directs the experimental (dance cinema)short film MILLSPAPIER MACHÈ which was selected in several national andinternational festivals Festival Voarte Inshadow, Portugal 2014,Muestra de Videoarte & Video Experimental Intermediaciones 2014,Colombia, Festival Agite y Sirva 2014, Argentina, II MuestraInternacional de V
ideo Danza - IV Festival Internacional de DanzaCoCoA y Encuentro Iberoamericano 2014, Seul international Extreme-Short Image & Film Festival (SESIFF 2014). Festival de Girona 2014(Best soundtrack), 6º Festival Agite y Sirva 2014, IVAHM ̈14,International Video Art House Madrid, Ecozine Film Festival, FestivalInternacional de Cine y Medio Ambiente de Zaragoza 2015.Currently she is involved in the pre-production stage of her first Filmas Scirpwriter and Director, BLUE MOOD, jointly with Catalonianproductor Proamrfi Futuro and co-producing with Cepa Audiovisual(Argentina) and Never land Films( España).Post-production stage of the fiction short film IXTAB in collaborationwith Compañía Nacional de Danza, being received the financial grantsfrom Comunidad de Madrid and ICAA
- Original title Ixtab
- Director María Salgado Gispert
- Duration 18
- Production year 2016
- Aspect 2:35:1
- Format DCP
- Category Short Film
- Subcategory Fiction
- Genre Drama
- Nationality Spain
- Producer María Salgado Gispert
- Dialogue language Spanish
- Intérpretes Elisabet Biosca, Ben Temple, Ana Gracia, Paco Churruca, Laura Cepeda, Mercedes Castro, Marta Belmonte, José Milán