

Iván Molina, Jesús Martínez “Nota”
A hard worker of the new era, a hero.

Iván Molina

(Lorca, 1980) Superior Technician in Illustration and Graphic Design. He has exhibited in bars, collective exhibitions and in the “X Salón de la Critica” from Murcia. He has developed excellent works for book illustrations. He started working in cinema in the design of posters and covers. Its vignettes elaborated for some newspapers have been worth the endorsement of the critic to him due to its strong social content. From one of those works came the idea for the animated short The Airplane (2016), which has achieved more than 40 national and international selections at festivals in more than 10 countries. His work Eusebio80 comes back from one of his fabulous illustrations.

Jesús Martínez “Nota”

(Lorca, 1980). He has a Bachelor of Music, B.M. in Piano, Music Education,Composition and Musicology. He created the film production company Producciones13. He also atended several filmmaking courses, seminars and workshops,and finally specialised in short films by writing, making and producing them. His short films are: Ana en la cama (2010), Tengo que olvidar que recuerdo (2011), Manos libres (2012), El último pez (2013), Todo es falso, salvo alguna cosa (2014),The Airplane (2016), Eusebio80 (2017) and Yayoflautas (2018). They have been selected in about a hundred of festivals and have won more than a ten awards in national and International Festivals (South Korea, Argentine, Irán, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Macedonia, EEUU; Greece).

Candidate for Best Documentary Short Film. Goya Awards (Spain)

Audience Award (Animazine) XXI Festival de Málaga. Cine Español (Spain)

Best Animated Film WatchOut ! Film Festival 2019 (Macedonia)

Jury Honorable Mention Festival Cine Madrid Integra 7Arte (Spain)

Jury Honorable Mention Magma 2018 – Mostra di cinema breve (Italy)

Audience Award IX Festival de Cine y Cortometrajes CortogeniAl (Spain)

Special Jury Award Begiradak, IV Festival Internacional de Cine Amateur (Spain)

First Award II Certamen de Cortometrajes de Santiago y Zaraiche (Spain)

Audience Award Muestra Internacional de Cine Astronómico MICA, 2018 (Spain)

Best Z Movie IV Festival de Cortos de Carabanchel (Spain)

1st Jury Award, Best Environmental Short Film I Certamen de Cortometrajes “El poder de la imagen” (Spain)

  • Original title Eusebio80
  • Director Iván Molina, Jesús Martínez “Nota”
  • Duration 9
  • Production year 2018
  • Theme Social Issues
  • Aspect 16:9
  • Format 4K
  • Category Short Film
  • Subcategory Fiction
  • Genre Drama, Sci-Fi
  • Nationality Spain
  • Producer Jesús Soria P. C.
  • Dialogue language English
  • Subtitle language German, Catalán, Spanish, French, Italian